Are you holding a software testing certification?

Certification in software testing is one of most controversial topics. Some see the values but some not.

I'm wondering how many testers out there holding a software testing certification.

It would be great if you can share a few thought about software testing certification.



  1. hiepluong2205

    There’re few certifications in the market.
    Top 2 I know is ISTQB and Blackbox Software Testing from Cem Kaner, the leader of our testing industry.
    ISTQB I’ve read through and it’s not worth it for you to get. Those few basic terms, you dont need a certificate to tell people that you can self-study terms.
    The Cem Kaner’s, I’m in-progress to have it, it’s worth in my opinion, I found interesting stuffs, gems on my way studying it. I’ve even applied some to my current project.

  2. Thanh Huynh


    Welcome on board!

    Yeah, ISTQB and BBST are well-known. Besides of those two, we also have CAST certification and ISO 29119, yet to count hundreds of internal certifications.

    Certification more often brings values to those who are new in software testing to *stand out* in their CV.

    Certification is not a problem to me. It’s the way certified testers say “Hey, I’m certified. What I’m telling you is standard. If what you say is not aligned well with what I learned from certification course, you are dead wrong”

  3. SimonSaysNoMore


    A small remark. CAST does not hand out certifications. CAST is the conference organized by the AST (Association of Software Testers). The AST is an official provider of the BBST training. As such, the AST hands out the certifications when the student has successfully completed one of the BBST courses.


    Simon ‘Peter’ Schrijver

  4. Thanh Huynh


    Thanks for correcting the information. I was wrong when I though CAST provide the certification. :-).

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