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My take:
My name is Thanh. I’m now a software tester for Datalogic, Vietnam. I have almost 10 years of experience in testing, managing and leading testing both service-based and product-based projects.
My specialties:
– Exploratory testing
– Managing and leading testing projects
– Coaching and Training testing activities
– Testing in Agile/Scrum
– Continuous Improvement
– Automation testing
While I’m not doing test, I spend time on reading blogs, books and playing with my little boy.
My favorite quote: “What can go wrong will go wrong” – Murphy’s law.
Know more about me in LinkedIn: https://vn.linkedin.com/in/huynhcongthanh
Now, tell us a little about yourself 🙂
My name is Simon. I’m a very experienced all-round tester, who has worked since 1997 as tester, test coordinator or test manager. My knowledge, persistence and communication skills make it possible to successfully completes each test assignment. I’m a passionate and enthusiastic tester with broad knowledge in all areas of testing. This varies from the test approach ISTQB and TMAP, but also new approaches such as Session Based Test Management and Rapid Software Testing.
My strong analytical skills combined with my extensive experience makes it possible to give good and clear advice, proving to be of great value for any organization. I know my way in different environments, such as Scrum, Agile and the traditional waterfall method.
Since 2005, I’m working as an independent consultant. I visit annually at least two conferences and two training sessions to keep my knowledge up to date and where necessary, broaden/deepen my knowledge. I’m also an active member of Test Net and Dutch Exploratory Workshop in Software Testing (DEWT). In these communities of enthusiastic testers, I’m active with peers and discuss with them about the testing profession.
I have a blog, you can find it at http://simonsaysnomore.wordpress.com/
You can find more about me at LinkedIn, https://nl.linkedin.com/in/simonsaysnomore
Note the a lot of people also call me by my second name which is ‘Peter’
Hi Simon,
Thanks for visiting the site. Look like you are the first Dutch tester joining AskTester community 🙂
What a great profile. Your blog is interesting too. I’d definitely subscribe to it.