1. The smoke test to certain the critical functionalities is working fine while sanity test is for new functionalities.
2. Smoke test is a subset of Regression test while sanity test is Acceptance test
3. The objective of smoke test is to verify the stability of system in order to proceed another kind of test while sanity test is verify the rationality
4. Smoke test usually does on entire of system while sanity test is on specific component of system.
Thanks for your question and I can see why you are confusing here. This is common confusion when relating to terms and definition.
From my experience, most of companies use Smoke test and Sanity test interchangeably and they refer to a small set of test performed when we have a new build before starting testing further the build. If the build fails to test (literally, you see the “smoke”), the build is rejected to fix it.
My suggestion is to accept the confusion right now for those terms and move forward.
1. The smoke test to certain the critical functionalities is working fine while sanity test is for new functionalities.
2. Smoke test is a subset of Regression test while sanity test is Acceptance test
3. The objective of smoke test is to verify the stability of system in order to proceed another kind of test while sanity test is verify the rationality
4. Smoke test usually does on entire of system while sanity test is on specific component of system.
Thanks for your question and I can see why you are confusing here. This is common confusion when relating to terms and definition.
From my experience, most of companies use Smoke test and Sanity test interchangeably and they refer to a small set of test performed when we have a new build before starting testing further the build. If the build fails to test (literally, you see the “smoke”), the build is rejected to fix it.
My suggestion is to accept the confusion right now for those terms and move forward.
I also wrote a blog post in which I suggest to stop worrying terms and defintion matter. You can read it here: https://asktester.com/new-tester-stop-worrying-these-things-and-youll-be-fine/
Smoke test is a subset of Regression test while sanity test is Acceptance test.But sanity test is on specific component of system.