Category: Question (Page 10 of 25)

[Free Guide] Pentesting Using Python

In this guide, you will learn about the need for pentesting, components to be tested, qualities of a good pentester and much more.

In simple words, penetration testing is to test the information security measures of a company.

Information security measures entail a company’s network, database, website, public-facing servers, security policies, and everything else specified by the client.… Continue reading

accesablity testing

I am fresher just joined a company where i got a role of manual tester now i have two questions to ask one is that

Q-1 Is Manual testing dying ?

Q-2 I have got project on accessibility testing is that a good field and what is it’s scope  ?Continue reading


What is the best resource to start learning Selenium with limited knowledge in C++ and Java but do have over 15 years working experience in QA ?

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