How to improve the test release process for minimizing bug to PROD?

Hi all,
I'm just curious about the case: "If you joined a team of 10 developers as the only QA engineer and could implement and change any process(es) you’d like, how would you ensure that the team delivers high quality software?"
Any idea is welcome.


  1. Thanh Huynh


    Not sure who asked you this question but this is a really tricky question 😀

    Re: “If you joined a team of 10 developers as the only QA engineer and could implement and change any process(es) you’d like, how would you ensure that the team delivers high quality software?”

    If I could change any process I’d like, I would like do the following:

    1) Could I hire 10 QA and 1 Developer only? 😀
    2) Train 10 developers to have the mindset of QA engineer
    3) That only QA engineer will coordinate with the other 10 developers to coach, test, discuss, ask, help…to do any appropriate task to together build great products.

    There are also other points need to consider as well:

    *Are these developers and testers experienced ones?
    *What do you mean by QA?
    *Do developers and testers have good relationship?
    *How you define *high quality software* and do we know how to measure the quality?
    *Do team have enough coffee for a day??


  2. Phuoc Nguyen

    Hi aThanh,
    Re: “Could I hire 10 QA and 1 developer only?” <– No, 😀 , you just have rights for implement process based on current situation, you're not manager to decide hire or fire anyone.
    Re: "2) Train 10 developers to have the mindset of QA engineer
    3) That only QA engineer will coordinate with the other 10 developers to coach, test, discuss, ask, help…to do any appropriate task to together build great products."
    <– Yes, it's great idea. But I'm curious how could you train mindset of QA to developer? Is it depends on your idea about the workflow? Let's say we're implemented SCRUM, what will you do?

    Re: "What do you mean by QA?
    How you define *high quality software* and do we know how to measure the quality?"
    <– I would like to think about QA is not only quality assurance but also quality assistance to help developer (the truck's driver) can ship product(software) to customer. In this case, the road is the process, and QA looks like the police to help truck go on right & safe road.
    About the *high quality software*, it depends on your idea again about DoD. Just curious to see what will you do in that real case (yes, it's really the real case) :D.

  3. Thanh Huynh


    2) Re: <-- Yes, it's great idea. But I'm curious how could you train mindset of QA to developer? Is it depends on your idea about the workflow? Let's say we're implemented SCRUM, what will you do? >TDD practice is the best example of training QA mindset to developer.

    3) It’s fair enough when you define QA as Quality Assistance

    I’m totally fine when you depend on DoD to define *high quality*. Don’t try to find the best definition of quality. As long as your team get consensus on what quality mean, it’s going well.

  4. Phuoc Nguyen

    Thank aThanh, I got your idea :D.

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