Author: Thanh Huynh (Page 11 of 11)

Thanh is owner of AskTester and also a tester. Thanh cares about how to do better testing and how to help other testers do better testing too. Contact me via:
LinkedIn | Facebook | Email: thanh[at]asktester[dot]com

Is manual testing dead?

Automated testing has become more and more popular in recent years and this looks like automated testing is dominating manual testing trade. Doing a quick search on job sites, I find there are a lot of jobs related to automated test and I hardly find job for manual testing position.… Continue reading

5 Misperceptions in Software Testing

Software testing is more and more popular these days. I’ve seen people doing, talking and thinking software testing a lot. While I do value all differences in the perspectives, I observe 5 common misperceptions in software testing. These misperceptions bug me because they not only make software testing look cheap but also degrade it.… Continue reading

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