Mobile testing process: pro vs cons.

Hi all,
In my current project, we start to develop on Mobile app beside the Web-app. So, I'm curious and want to have your advice about :
1- What's the difference between mobile app vs web-app? When testing mobile app, what're things that we need to focus on?
2- When define the process, (called Mobile testing process), what's the process that you will suggest to your PM, PO to have a best quality?
3- What's the difficult thing that you meet or you think we will meet in mobile testing?
Any comment is welcome. Thank you a lot.


  1. Thanh Huynh

    Hi Phuoc,

    Great questions.

    When comes to mobile testing, we first have to agree on the followings:

    1) Testing is Testing. Mobile testing, Web testing, or Destop App testing is all about testing. You explore the system, you exercise the system, you ask the system, you check the system, you validate the system, you stress the system, etc…to reveal quality of the system under test. It’s all about testing.

    2) The only difference is the platform the system is deployed on. Understand the difference will help you plan your test well. I recommend building a mindmap for mobile app testing so that you can have a big picture of the test plan. You can see the example here: (Credit to

    Regarding your question:
    3- What’s the difficult thing that you meet or you think we will meet in mobile testing?
    > As we agree upon that Mobile testing is still testing, so difficulty you are having with testing will likely be seen in mobile testing 😀 (there are a lot of difficulties to name here, but you got the idea right?)
    > Mobile knowledge: This is not really a big problem to tester I think. We can learn to get as much knowledge about Mobile platform. We can learn and test along the way
    >Compatability testing: This is one of the biggest challenges in mobile testing when you have to test on various Mobile/Tablet, Android/iOS, etc. The challenging part is not only the cost side (to have enough devices to test) but also the test effort side (you need to test more to make sure the app works fine on supported environment.

    I’m not doing mobile app testing a lot, those are my 2 cents. Hope it helps.

    I’m looking for more ideas from mobile testing experts out there…


  2. Phuoc Nguyen

    Yes, I cannot agree more with your answer, it’s your 2 cents but 1 dollar for me. Cheers.

  3. Camellia

    @Thanh Huynh: really detailed answer. I love the image that you shared for #2. 1 like for you (y) 😀
    @Phuoc: thank for the topic. 🙂

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