For my exit criteria i want to be able to include the percentage of passes and failures that are acceptable to sign off testing e.g 80% passes therefore testing can be signed off but how do work out the percentage that is acceptable?
Author: Guest (Page 3 of 11)
Hi bro,
I got Associate in Computer Science, and finally figure out that this major does not fit to me at all.
First, I am not passionate or any ambitious to it.
Second, It is really a hard major to chew and get along with.… Continue reading
I have set up a classification tree, it has 5 classes.
Now, I have calculated the amount of combinations: 2 exp 5 = 32.
Now, I am looking for a tool which makes all the possible combinations.
So, I don’t have to write down all combinations by myself
Do you know of such a tool?… Continue reading
Please can you tell me the skills needed to be job ready as a manual tester? From my knowledge, a manual tester needs to know:
- Testing strategy
- Test case design using testing techniques
- Knowledge of a test case management, bug tracking tools
- Some knowledge of agile methodology
Are my missing something?… Continue reading
How many ways we can click on the Radio button using Selenium…
After execution of test case we must analyze the test result and check the defect detected by tool like Test Complete, tosca tricentis, selenium or other. In the first iteration, we can easily show the failed test steps highlighted in “Red” and the pass Test Steps highlighted in “Green”.… Continue reading
What is the first thing you do when you have to test a web page using an exploratory test and you don’t have customers requirements document?
thank so much
Dear Sir,
Thank you so much for the software testing article, I am Dennis Mathew from india , going to finish my graduation in BCA and i dont know which field i wanna go but i m sure its not programming after reading your post i have a keen interest in Software testing and would like to get some experience on it, in India you cant get job unless you already have some experience, i wrote this in order to ask you that will you be willing to be my coach or will you be willing to get give me some experience with you, i m not the smartest of all ,but i know my way out for being better ,i ll work for it just need a bit help
Thank you so much for hearing me out 😉
Dennis Mathew
I am trying to become a QA automation tester and I have no IT experience. Should i go for the basic certification offrred by ISTQB as a start here in USA. Would it be better to forst underdtand manual testing or one can just try to learn automation and srlenium.… Continue reading
I am having experience of manual testing for 3 years .Presently I am not working.I took training in selenium web driver.Now how can I get experience in automation testing?so that I can work on automation testing